Persons renting space at the gun show must abide by all federal, state, and local laws.
- No loaded weapons are permitted in the show. Persons that possess a Concealed Carry Permit are NOT exempt from this rule. The only exceptions to this rule are the security force provided by the promoter and active duty law enforcement. Vendors must check every firearm on their table and secure it with a gun tie so it is unable to be fired before the show opens each day. All handguns and AR style firearms on display must be secured to your table with a minimum of 550 lg strenght paracord or other approved fasteners. Any tie that is temporarily removed must be replaced. Personal firearms must be unloaded and loaded OUTSIDE the building where the gun show is being held. An accidental discharge will result in immediate removal and expulsion from all future SGK Shows.
- The following items are prohibited from sale or display:
– racially or ethnically offensive material
– printed material advocating violence
– printed material for conversion to full automatic
– printed material for self-manufacture silencers
– parts used for conversion to full automatic
– parts used to self-manufacture silencers. - All tables must be manned during show hours. All vendors must check in at registration by 8:30 am on Saturday or their tables will revert back to the show and may be resold or given away. If you have a problem on the way to the show and are going to be late, please contact SGK personnel and we will work with you.
- Reservation Policy
Reservations will only be taken one show in advance for each specific venue. Vendors attending a show may reserve tables for the next show in that venue any time before the show ends by signing a reservation form. Reservations for everyone else will begin the Monday after the show. Vendors are expected to be present both Saturday and Sunday. Products must be guns or knives related unless a sponsor. To reserve tables, vendors must electronically sign up for tables online. No verbal reservations will be taken.
- Cancellation Policy
Your reservation is your promise to pay for your tables. If you cancel at any time, you will be charged 25% per table cancelled. If you reserve tables, but fail to attend without any notification, you will be required to pay your balance in full before being permitted to attend any future shows.
- Dealer Set up and Break Down Policy
(Hampton, Fredericksburg, Virginia Beach)
Dealer set up is permitted Friday from 12 pm to 8pm and Saturday from 7am to 8:30am.
Dealer set up Friday 1 pm to 7 pm and Saturday 7 am to 8:30 am.
Dealer set up Friday 1-8pm and Saturday 7-8:30am
You must call if you will be arriving after Saturday at 8:30 am, otherwise your tables may be forfeited.
You must leave the building promptly on Friday at the end of set up time. Dealers loading in past set up time on Friday will be subject to a penalty of $50.00 per 15 minute interval. Dealer break down is permitted Sunday from 4pm to 7pm. You must leave the building promptly by 7pm on Sunday. Dealers loading out past 7pm on Sunday will be subject to a penalty of $50.00 per 15 minute interval.
- Show hours are Saturday 9am-5pm and Sunday 10am-4pm. Vendors are expected to be on time and present during show hours.
- SGK uses wristbands for vendor convention hall entrance and exit access. A reasonable amount of wristbands will be provided to each vendor at the time of check in.
- All tables fees paid with a credit card when paying the balance at the time of check in, will be charged an additional 3% of the table fee.
- Any returned check will be automatically put into collections and assessed a $50 fee by the debt collection company. The amount of the check and fee will be paid directly to the debt collection company.
- Table payment is expected prior to setting up. All payments made after the show begins, are subject to a $25 fee.
- SGK provides 8′ tables and chairs. Please bring a table cloth to cover your table and place your merchandise upon. Please secure your merchandise when you leave for the day. SGK provides overnight security for the show, but does not insure your merchandise once you leave.
- SGK does not allow solicitations for charitable organizations, requests for donations, or the selling of raffle tickets.
- No alcohol is allowed in the show.
- All business must be conducted behind your table(s). Do not conduct business in the aisles.
- Dealers are not permitted to transact any business in the parking lots.
- Dealers are not permitted to sublet their tables.
- No photography or video is permitted in the show.
SGK reserves the rights to reject, eject or prohibit any exhibit in whole or in part, with or without giving cause. Show liability for rejection without giving cause shall be limited to a refund to You of the amount of fees unearned at the time of ejection. However, if You or Your exhibit is ejected for violation of these rules or for any other stated reason (with cause), no return of fees will be made.
Violation of any of these rules may result in expulsion from the show and all future SGK shows. Southeastern Guns & Knives, Ltd. reserves the right to deny table space or admission to the show to any person.
Revised 03/30/18
If you have further questions, please call or email: 757-483-5385 or
Southeastern Guns & Knives, Ltd. takes the safety and reputation of our shows very seriously. We employ firearms-certified security officers for each of our shows to conduct weapon checks of patrons prior to entrance to the show.
No loaded firearms are permitted into the show, with the exceptions of active duty law enforcement officers and the security force provided by the promoter. Each firearm that enters the show must be rendered inoperable by the security officer’s placement of a locking zip tie. This zip tie must remain tied on the firearm until you exit the show. Employees of Southeastern Guns & Knives, Ltd. reserve the right to circulate throughout the show to ensure all guns remain tied.
Children under 18 years of age are not permitted in the show unless accompanied by legal guardian.
Southeastern Guns & Knives, Ltd. works closely with local law enforcement to ensure the safety of each show. On-duty police officers are present throughout the show hours to answer questions, provide security, and set the tone of the show by their presence.
Southeastern Guns & Knives, Ltd. also works closely with state law enforcement. Often, the State Police maintain an office at the show to conduct instant background checks for the purchase of firearms. Undercover officers often circulate throughout the show to ensure compliance with all local, state, and federal laws.
The vast majority of our participating gun dealers are federally licensed firearms dealers, authorized to conduct sales at gun shows by federal law. An occasional private collector is allowed table space to sell from or expand a collection. All vendors are required to comply with local and state law enforcement.
These preventive measures have earned our shows one of the finest reputations for promotion and quality on the East Coast.